Biography of Bhiksuni Jampa Tsedroen

Monastic name: Bhiksuni Jampa Tsedroen
    * born 1959 in Holzminden (Germany)
    * Novice ordination: 22.9.1981 with Geshe Thubten Ngawang, Tibetan Center Hamburg
    * Full ordination: 06.12.1985 in the Miao t'ung monastery, Kaohsiung (Taiwan)

  * Civil name: Carola Roloff

University Studies 1997 to 2002
1. Language and Culture of Tibet (Tibetology)
2. Language and Culture of old and medieval India with focus on Buddhism (Buddhology)

Training in the context of Tibetan Monastic Universities
   * 1980 study of Buddhist philosophy and Tibetan colloquial language at the Library of Tibetan Works & Archives, Dharamsala, India
    * 1980 to 2001 study of Tibetan dialectic and debate according to the monastic texts of Seraje with Geshe Thubten Ngawang, Tibetan Center Hamburg
    * 1981 to 1991 study with Geshe Thubten Ngawang and self-instruction of Vinaya literature; Head of the Vinaya research project of the Foundation for Tibetan Buddhist Studies and Sakyadhita International. Publication: Tsedroen, Bhiksuni Jampa (Carola Roloff): A Brief Survey of the Vinaya. (Vinaya Research I) Hamburg: dharma edition 1992
    * 1988 to 1996 study of the doxographic traditions of Tibet with Geshe Thubten Ngawang, Tibetan Center Hamburg

Occupation and Honorary Activities as Buddhist nun
    * 1981 to 1998: Management, Direction of several projects and Executive Committee work at Tibetan Center Hamburg
    * 1984 to 1988: Member of the board of the German Buddhist Union and the Buddhist Religious Community Germany
    * 1986 to today: Lecturer on Buddhism and Tibet: Lectures, courses and seminars in Germany and abroad
    * 1987 to 1995: Executive Member of Sakyadhita, International Buddhist Women's Organization (National Representative and Vice President 1991-95)
    * 1987 to today: Translation of seminars, consulting discussions, public lectures etc. from the Tibetan
    * 1988 to today: Teacher and Translator in the context of the Systematic Study of Buddhism (7-year-study-course) at Tibetan Center Hamburg
    * 1996 to 2006: Co-Lecturer in the Training course for further study “Buddhism in History and Presence“ at the University of Hamburg
    * 2003: Acquisition of the title „Magistra Artium“ at the University of Hamburg (Tibetology)
    * 2003 to today: Ph.D. Student at the University of Hamburg (Tibetology)
    * 2005: Member of the Committee of Western Bhikshunis
    * 2006: Member of the Bhikkhuni Research Committee of the Department of Religion and Culture of the Tibetan Government in Exile
    * 2006/2007: Research Scholar at the Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies in Sarnath-Varanasi (3 months)